Position Summary
All Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities must be presented in an impartial manner that is not distorted or prejudiced by commercial considerations. Sponsors of CPD activities are entitled to recognition and appreciation for their support in facilitating such activities.
1. Background
1.1. The Australian Dental Association (ADA) and its Branches have conducted independent Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities for many years.
1.2. There is significant sponsorship of CPD activities by those who have a commercial interest in the topic, giving rise to concerns regarding the clinical and scientific independence of such presentations.
1.3. CPD is a compulsory requirement for renewal of registration as a dental practitioner.
1.4. CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD) is the means by which members of the profession maintain, improve and broaden their knowledge, expertise and competence, and develop personal and professional qualities required throughout their professional lives.
2. Position
2.1. Scientific and clinical CPD activities should be presented in an impartial manner such that the scientific basis of the activity is not distorted or prejudiced by commercial interests.
2.2. Attendees of CPD events should be advised by the presenter or course convenors of any relationships with sponsors, prior to the event and preferably during introductory remarks.
2.3. Sponsors are entitled to recognition and appreciation for their financial assistance and support in facilitating CPD.
2.4. Sponsors logos may be included on promotional material for events and on introductory slides, as long as they adhere to the ADA Brand Guidelines and remain separated from the ADA logo.
2.5. This Policy Statement should be made available to both sponsors and presenters during initial discussions about proposed events.