What has been achieved? ADA advocacy update for 2022

- Advocacy
The ADA has had a number of advocacy successes this year which are an important step forward in supporting the careers and practice of ADA members and supporting patients’ oral healthcare.

One of the key functions the ADA performs is advocating on behalf of the profession. We do this continuously in a number of ways including participating in government and industry committees and forums to represent your interests and ensure your needs are considered in policy making. By doing so, we’re able to amplify your voice and that of the 17,000 other members, improving your ability to practise at the highest level.
We have had a number of advocacy successes this year including the following major achievements which, along with a number of others, are an important step forward in supporting the careers and practice of ADA members and supporting patients’ oral healthcare.
Child Dental Benefits Schedule uplift
The amount payable for dental services provided under the CDBS was increased from January 2023 to $1,052. The CDBS provides benefits for a range of services including exams, x-rays, fillings and root canals for children aged 0-17 years whose parents receive a relevant Australian Government payment.
Dental Assistant Workforce supply enhancement
We performed detailed workforce research to corroborate feedback from members on challenges hiring dental assistants and took a range of targeted actions to provide support, including:
- - making representations to the responsible Minister about enhancing temporary work visa eligibility by amendment of migration skilled occupation lists;
- advising the National Skills Commission on dental assistants’ placement on the Skills Priority List and advising on demand/supply imbalance ratings; and
- promoting ways that employers can reach dental assisting candidates, and Government funded financial support available to employers who support traineeships.
CommBank Health partnership development
In addition to several broad surveys of members that the ADA conducted in 2022, we established a new partnership with CommBank Health, to research and develop the recently published Dental Insights Report, in place of the ADA’s scheduled practice survey, optimising use of resources.
ADA Publications on policy matters
To support our advocacy work, we develop compelling submissions and other papers on health and policy issues. A summary of written submissions we made in calendar year 2022 follows.
- 2023 Skills Priority List Stakeholder Survey – Response to National Skills Commission
- Role and functions of a Centre for Disease Control Consultation – Response to Department of Health and Aged Care
- Revised Aged Care Quality Standards – Response to Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care October
- Detailed considerations for implementing the proposed Australian medical device UDI regulatory framework – Response to Therapeutic Goods Administration
- Dental practitioners and students and the Minamata Convention on Mercury – Response to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
- Draft Global Oral Health Action Plan (2023-2030) – Response to the World Health Organization
- English language skills registration standards – Response to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
- Restorative Treatments for Caries Lesions Clinical Practice Guideline (2023) – Response to the American Dental Association
- A whole of system approach to reforming private healthcare – the role of a Private Health System Authority – Response to the Australian Medical Association
- Public consultation for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule – Response to the Department of Health and Aged Care
- Food Regulatory System Horizon Scan to support the System Strategic Direction for 2023-2026 – Response to Food Standards Australia New Zealand
- Dental Industry Reference Committee Industry Summary – Response to SkillsIQ Limited
- Guideline on procedural sedation – Response to Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Faculty of Pain Medicine
- Use of the title ‘surgeon’ by medical practitioners in the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law – Response to National Registration and Accreditation Scheme
- National Sports Injury Data Strategy feedback – Response to Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
- ADA 2022–23 Pre-Budget Submission – Response to Treasury ADA approach to advocacy
- We listen to members through regular surveys, meetings, and expert committees, to identify challenges.
- Our experts develop policy solutions which we commend to government, and we meet with elected offcials, public servants and private organisations to make the case for dentists.
- Government seeks our input on dentistry matters thanks to our credibility.
Would you like to know more?
The ADA is continually responding to a range of enquiries, consultation papers and the like put forward by government, regulators and a range of statutory bodies. The aim is to ensure that the voice of dentistry is heard and included in the decision making on issues that affect the profession.
Annual Report
Your Association accomplishes a great deal on your behalf every year. If you’d like to find more about how much has been achieved over the last financial year, you can access the 2021-22 ADA Annual Report online and you can read an overview article summarising the 2021-22 ADA Annual Report.
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