
ADA SA Secures Regional CPD Funding

17 October 2023
1 minute read
  • SA Updates

Following on from the success of our pilot sessions late 2022 and early 2023, we have been very fortunate to secure funding from Country SA PHN (Primary Health Network) for the next two years to support CPD in regional locations across South Australia.

ADA SA News Article Placeholder

As part of the program – we will be visiting four key regional locations:

  • Berri
  • Whyalla
  • Port Pirie
  • Mount Gambier

Each location will receive two sessions per year for the next two years delivering quality CPD for the entire dental team.

Each session will be open to all Members and their wider teams, as well as all staff from the local SA Dental Clinics in each location.

The funding was applied for with the support of SA Dental and responds to key outcomes from the South Australia's Rural Oral Health Workforce Plan 2021-26.

In addition to two visits per location for CPD, we will also be engaging further with the community, and with local schools on one visit each year around CDBS promotions, careers information, and study options for regional students.

The funding, is a first for the ADA SA Branch, will have key KPIs around ensuring relevance to the regional locations, attendance levels, quality of session, and other relevant measures. We look forward to the continued support of our regional Members and their Teams to make this new offering an ongoing expectation for the regions.

Watch out for dates and times for the first sessions being announced soon. These will feature prominent paediatric dentist Dr Gabrielle Smart to present to dentists and their teams about the challenges of dealing with children and parents in the dental setting.

If you have any questions about our funding – or the upcoming events, please reach out to

Keep an eye on your inbox – more information is coming soon!

Supported By Country SA PHN